Sunday, January 9, 2011

Taking it Back to the Mission.

Uggh. Kelly is 20 minutes late... again. This is the 3rd meeting in a row. I'll bet she still hasn't booked the room for our bank night, even though we've talked about it 10 times!

I've been out here setting luminaria bags by myself for an hour. If somebody doesn't step up to help, I'm going to scream!

We've all been there. Relay is an amazing thing, but it's easy to get stressed by the daily trials of building one. Friction among committee members... that team that's upset with their campsite assignment... pizza guy wants cash on the spot even though they were supposed to donate... RAIN... it can be a lot to take.

When Relayers get frustrated, discouraged, or upset, we often ask, "How do we deal with ____." While there are countless ways to fill in the blank, 80% of the time the answer is, "Remember why we're here."

Take 30 seconds. Close your eyes. Think back to why you got involved with Relay For Life. Think about the people who inspire you to walk the track. Think about the millions of people you will never meet who will benefit from your work here.

It may not make the pizza come any faster or the committee squabble go away, but it might help it matter a little less.

We're saving lives. Never forget that.

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